Organizations participants

University of the Basque Country + Polymat

Within the University of the Basque Country, POLYMAT is an internationally reputed university research institute in Polymer Science. The Basque Center for Macromolecular Design and Engineering, POLYMAT Fundazioa is a Basque Excellence Research Center focused on polymers promoted by the UPV/EHU and Ikerbasque Foundation. POLYMAT is devoted to develop a vibrant use-inspired fundamental research on synthesis, assembly and processing of polymers to contribute to the development of polymers, enabling addressing some of the technological needs of the 21st Century in fields such as energy, electronics, health care and sustainability.

Prof. Alejandro Müller

Prof. Alejandro Müller

Coordinator, Supervisor and WP2 leader

Alejandro J. Müller is a Materials Engineer (Simón Bolívar University, Caracas, Venezuela), with an M.Sc. in Chemistry (Venezuelan Institute for Scientific Research, IVIC, Caracas, Venezuela) and a Ph.D. in Physics. Since September 2013, he holds an IKERBASQUE (Basque Foundation for Science) Research Chair at POLYMAT and the Polymer Science and Technology Department, Faculty of Chemistry, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU in Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain, where he leads the Advanced Multiphasic Polymers Group. He is an Editor for POLYMER (Elsevier) in the joint areas of Polymer Physics and Physical Chemistry. His fields of interest include structure, morphology, nucleation, crystallization, crystallization kinetics, rheology and properties of multiphasic and confined polymeric materials (in particular block copolymers, random copolymers, nano-composites, hybrids and polymer blends).

Dr. Connie Ocando

Dr. Connie Ocando

Coordinator team, WP4 leader and responsible of gender balance aspects

PhD degree in Chemical Engineering. She was awarded a Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowship (BEWARE program) during her post-doc at the University of Mons. From 2018 she is a Gipuzkoa fellow at POLYMAT where she is performing her research in the field of sustainable polymer development. She has been involved in the training process of undergraduates and master students during her Post-doc and she is author of two international patents (PCT/EP2017 065104 and 065109).

Dr. Mónica Moreno

Dr. Mónica Moreno

Project Manager

Dr. Mónica Moreno. She is in charge of the overall Project Management of REPOL-EID Project. Since 2012, she has fully managed 4 ITN-Projects under the Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions both in FP7 and H2020 Programmes: Renaissance-ITN, SUSPOL-EJD, Trackway-EID and POLYTE-EID.

University of Genova

The University of Genoa (UNIGE), whose history can be traced back several centuries (14th century), is nowadays a teaching and research institution with an educational offer composed of 124 Bachelor and Master and 28 PhD courses. The Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry (DCCI) offers Master programmes in Chemical Sciences, Industrial Chemistry and Material Science and Engineering. Moreover, the Department manages the PhD School in Science and Technology of the Chemistry and Materials. The Department attracts National, International and Industrial fundings, it has a permanent staff (including Assistant, Associate and Full Professors) of about 50 people, and more than 70 Ph.D. students.

Dr. Dario Cavallo

Dr. Dario Cavallo


He achieved the Ph.D. title in Chemical Sciences from the University of Genova. After two periods as post-doc researcher at the Institute of Polymer Science and Technology in Madrid, and at the Eindhoven University of Technology, he is currently Assistant Professor at the University of Genova. His research activity is mainly focused on structuring processes of semicrystalline polymers.


Borealis is a leading provider of innovative solutions in the fields of polyolefins, base chemicals and fertilizers. With headquarters in Vienna, Austria, Borealis currently employs around 6,600 and operates in over 120 countries. It generated EUR 7.2 billion in sales revenue and a net profit of EUR 1.1 billion in 2016. Mubadala, through its holding company, owns 64% of the company, with the remaining 36% belonging to OMV, an international, integrated oil and gas company based in Vienna. Borealis provides services and products to customers around the world in collaboration with Borouge, a joint venture with the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC). Borealis’ acquisition of mtm, a leading German plastics recycling company in 2016 is the first major milestone in its journey to contribute more significantly to the circular economy (CE), which Borealis recognises as an industry imperative.

Dr. Davide Tranchida


He obtained his Ph.D. at the University of Palermo under a joint project with DSM Research and SABIC. He worked as a post-doc at the University of Twente (NL) and with a Humboldt Fellowship at the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research (D) and at the University of Siegen (D). Since 2011 he works in Borealis. Dr. Tranchida has (co)-authored ca. 50 papers, book chapters, patents and his research is currently focused on morphology and thermal analysis of polyolefines. He functionally leads a group of 8 colleagues active in this area, and the network of 19 Borealis QC labs.

Dr. Susanne Kahlen


She obtained her Ph.D. at the University of Leoben under a joint project with the University of Oslo (N). Afterwards she worked as a post-doc at the Polymer Competence Center Leoben. Since 2011 she works at Borealis. Dr. Susanne Kahlen has (co) authored approximately 10 papers,  contributed to book chapters, held numerous presentations at scientific conferences and has (co) invented 18 patents. Now Dr. Susanne Kahlen focuses mainly on the recycling of polyolefines with a special regard to polymer structure processing relationships.

Dr. Vitor Barroso


He obtained his Ph.D in Polymer Engineering and Science - Rheology in 2003 at the University of Minho (Guimarães, Portugal), while working as a researcher at the Department of Polymer Engineering under the supervision of Prof. João Maia. He hold several post-doc positions in Germany (Univ. Erlangen, MPIP-Mainz, KIT-Karlsruhe) and also in Austria (JKU-Linz), working on different aspects of polymer rheology. He then took a position in 2012 as Rheology Researcher at the company Borouge (joint venture between Borealis and ADNOC - Abu Dhabi National Oil Company). He has now been working since 2015 in Borealis as a Senior Scientist for Rheology.


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